After several reports about Samsung working on bringing back the clamshell design on its smartphones with a new flip-phone rumored as Galaxy Folder at some place and Hennessy at some, Samsung has finally unveiled the phone on its website for China. The phone, as rumored, features dual-touchscreen interface and a keyboard as well.
In terms of features, the Samsung SCH-W789XDACTC smartphone comes with a 3.3-inch touchscreen with 320 x 480 (HVGA) which can be flipped open to reveal an internal 3.3-inch touchscreen on one side and a keypad on another.
In terms of features, the Samsung SCH-W789XDACTC smartphone comes with a 3.3-inch touchscreen with 320 x 480 (HVGA) which can be flipped open to reveal an internal 3.3-inch touchscreen on one side and a keypad on another.
Earlier today, Sammy Hub had got its hands on some press renders of the phone, which later went live on Samsung’s website.