After revealing new data plans for GSM iPhone users on its network, RCom will tomorrow launch India’s first iPhone running on its CDMA network. BGR India had exclusively reported on this tie-up between Apple and RCom and their plans to launch the iPhone on its CDMA network. The official announcement will happen tomorrow that will be aided by a marketing campaign, multiple sources have confirmed.
At the moment we do not have any indication about the pricing or tariffs but the CDMA iPhone is most likely to be locked to RCom’s network unlike the GSM variants that are available unlocked in the open market. Apple had let go of carrier tie-ups like these since the launch of the iPhone 5 in India late last year. Earlier it had Airtel and Aircel as its carrier partners for India.
The move comes months after Gurdeep Singh joined RCom as its chief executive (wireless business) and he had brought the iPhone to Aircel during his earlier stint with the GSM carrier before joining RCom a few months ago. For the GSM network, RCom will offer up to 50 percent discount on 3G data plans for iPhone users.