Looks like HTC is going all out with its smartphone launches. Only a few months ago it launched the One, then last month we got a HTC One with stock Android on it and last week HTC introduced the One mini. In between it sprinkled some other devices like the Desire 600 and the Butterfly S as well. Now, the company has announced the Desire 500, which packs in a lot of value in a device that will not really compete with the big guns. Currently, the phone has just been announced in Taiwan, but we can expect HTC to launch the product in India soon.
For starters it is powered by a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 CPU clocked at 1.2GHz, a 4.3-inch display with a resolution of 800×480 pixels, 4GB of internal memory, a microSD card slot, NFC, a 8-megapixel camera with a f/2.0 aperture and a 1.6-megapixel front facing camera.
For starters it is powered by a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 CPU clocked at 1.2GHz, a 4.3-inch display with a resolution of 800×480 pixels, 4GB of internal memory, a microSD card slot, NFC, a 8-megapixel camera with a f/2.0 aperture and a 1.6-megapixel front facing camera.
Unlike the One and One mini, this one is made up of plastic, but HTC has a track record of using good quality plastic devices like Nokia, so one can expect a rather handsome phone. There’s even a 1,800 mAh battery and it runs on Android on top of which the Sense 5 UI is running. There is no word on the exact version of Android, but we can expect it to be Android 4.1 Jelly Bean or beyond.