ndian smartphone and IT accessories vendor Intex today announced the launch of a new range of LED TVs for the Indian consumers. This new range of TVs will join the already existing range of LCD and LED TVs in the company’s portfolio. The new TVs range from 16-inches to 23-inches and start from Rs 7,499 and go up to Rs 12,499.
The range of TVs includes the LED 1601 ME13, which flaunts a 16-inch display and is available for Rs 7,499. The other two models are the 20-inch LE20HDR05 which is priced at Rs 9,990 and the 23-inch LE23HDR06-VT13 which is available for Rs 12,499.
Talking of features, all the three TVs offer HD resolution along with dynamic contrast ratio and 5-8ms response times. These TVs also include Intex’s own Eye Safe T Matrix technology, which the company claims helps eliminate lag and also improve performance. Additionally, the TVs include USB and HDMI ports.The range of TVs includes the LED 1601 ME13, which flaunts a 16-inch display and is available for Rs 7,499. The other two models are the 20-inch LE20HDR05 which is priced at Rs 9,990 and the 23-inch LE23HDR06-VT13 which is available for Rs 12,499.
Intex is not the first smartphone vendor to make a foray into the consumer electronics space, as Micromax, its competitor in the mobile space also launched a range of TVs and home entertainment systems last October.