After a massive marketing campaign that included televised ads, Micromax has launched the Canvas 4 in India for Rs 17,999. Micromax opened pre-orders for the smartphone on June 28 and in the lead up to the launch it has amassed 11,500 pre-bookings.
Design wise, it actually seems to be a rebadged version of the BLU Life One and it is actually a step up for Micromax in terms of build quality. It has an aluminium band that wraps around a plastic front and back, and it flaunts iPhone 5 like chamfers.
Specs-wise though it is not much of a departure from the Canvas HD that was launched earlier this year. It is powered by the same MediaTek ARM Cortex A7 quad-core CPU clocked at 1.2GHz, 1GB of RAM, but this time around has a larger 5-inch 720p IPS panel and a 13-megapixel camera in the back with 5-element lens like the iPhone 5. The camera is also capable of a vertical panorama mode.
It has a microSD card slot and has 16GB of user internal memory, of which about 10GB is available to users. Like most Micromax phones it is a dual-SIM smartphone and has a 2,000 mAh battery.
Micromax is also making a big deal about a number of gesture controls that will also include a new way to unlock the phone. Actually, users can blow at the phone or shake it to unlock it. It will also receive OTA updates. It also comes with a special aluminium cover that’s worth Rs 3,000 which is part of the package.