Asus’s upgraded variant of the FonePad tablet with a slightly better set of features is selling for Rs 17,999 on e-commerce portals in India. First spotted by NDTV, this upgraded tablet packs in a better processor along with 32GB of internal storage as against the 8GB seen on the original model, which was launched for Rs 15,999 a few months back.
That this will be a limited edition of the FonePad in India and has been launched to provide better memory space to those working professionals who demand for it.
In terms of specifications, the new variant has a 7-inch LED display offering 1280×800 pixels resolution, as was seen on the original version and on the Asus Nexus 7’s original model. Asus has upgraded the processor from 1.2GHz Intel Atom Z2420 chipset to the 1.6GHz Intel Atom Z2460 one, which is accompanied with PowerVR SGX540 GPU and 1GB of RAM. It also comes with voice-calling support on 2G as well as on 3G network. On the software front, the tab runs on the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean which can be upgraded to version 4.2 later.That this will be a limited edition of the FonePad in India and has been launched to provide better memory space to those working professionals who demand for it.
Besides this, the company now offers 32GB of internal storage in the device along with 32GB of external memory which makes it to a whooping 64GB in total. The previous-gen tab offered 8GB with 32GB of external storage. Other features remain the same, including a 3-megapixel rear camera and a 1.2-megapixel front facing camera, a 4,270mAh battery, connectivity options like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G support.
At this price point and with this set of features, the tab will be up against the recently launched Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 211as well as 311 models which are priced in the same bracket ranging up to Rs 22,000.