Apple is expected to host its next iPhone launch event on September 10, if AllThingsD‘s sources are to be believed. This will be a critical launch for Apple, which has seen its market share dipping in the last few quarters with increased competition from Samsung. This time Apple is expected to launch at least two variants of the iPhone – one a successor to the current iPhone 5, called the iPhone 5S and a more affordable iPhone, which is rumored to be called the iPhone 5C.
The iPhone 5S is said to have an improved camera and processor as usual while rumors also point towards a fingerprint scanner embedded in the home button. The iPhone 5C, in the meanwhile, is expected to come in a variety of colors with a plastic casing. Typically Apple has lowered the prices of its older iPhones rather than launching a low-cost variant, which could change this year. The iPhone 5C is speculated to be priced around $300 unsubsidized and would target non-carrier subsidy markets like India.
As is tradition, Apple will also unveil the final version of iOS 7, which it had first showcased at its annual WWDC event for developers in June that sports completely refreshed icons and numerous UI tweaks. Apple also unveiled a new version of OS X caller Mavericks but it would host another event aimed at Macs as typically this event is exclusively dedicated for the iPhone.The iPhone 5S is said to have an improved camera and processor as usual while rumors also point towards a fingerprint scanner embedded in the home button. The iPhone 5C, in the meanwhile, is expected to come in a variety of colors with a plastic casing. Typically Apple has lowered the prices of its older iPhones rather than launching a low-cost variant, which could change this year. The iPhone 5C is speculated to be priced around $300 unsubsidized and would target non-carrier subsidy markets like India.
This will be the first major launch event for Apple this year as it has not hosted any iPad event in March-April timeframe as it has done since the first iPad was launched in 2010. Apple is also said to be working on the iWatch, a smartwatch accessory, but chances are slim that Apple would launch it at this event. However, we won’t rule it out completely as Apple is known to have a few surprises hidden up its sleeve and it could be CEO Tim Cook’s “one more thing” moment.
Apple is yet to officially announce the launch date for the next iPhone.