Tuesday 1 October 2013

Apple ends Coca-Cola’s 13-year run to become world’s most valuable brand

If there is one company that has managed to ingratiate itself with society through its products, for better or worse, it’s Apple. For the past six years, Apple has become a daily fixture in international news as well as in many of our pockets, and for the first time, the Cupertino company has become the world’s most valuable brand.

The New York Times reports that Apple has finally reached the top of Interbrand‘s Best Global Brands list in 2013, knocking Coca-Cola off the perch from which it has been comfortably seated since Interbrand started the list in 2000. With 600 million iOS devices sold to date, and 72 million Macs currently in use, there’s little question that Apple has overtaken its brand competition. According to Interbrand, “Apple has set a high bar for aesthetics, simplicity, and ease of use that all other tech brands are now expected to match, and that Apple itself is expected to continually exceed.”