Huawei has launched two new Wi-Fi devices named as the E5151 MiFi which is a pocket Wi-Fi device and the E8131 Wi-Fi datacard. According to the company, these Wi-Fi devices offer HSPA+ speeds at 21.6 Mbps download speed and 5.76 Mbps upload speed. The datacards helps in connecting up to 10 devices via Wi-Fi hotspot using these cards.
The Huawei E5151 is a pocket Wi-Fi device which can support up to 10 devices, can be used for 3G/2G connections or through Ethernet port, and offers up to 21.6 Mbps download speed if the carrier provides it. This device houses a 1500mAh battery, which Huawei claims would work for up to 5 hours. It is 16.3mm thick and supports standard micro-USB, LED indicators and built-in UMTS and WLAN High Gain Antenna.
The Huawei E5151 and the E8131 are priced for Rs 4,999 and Rs 2,999 respectively.