Following the recent iPhone shock-and-death case in China, another case has been reported against Apple after a user got electrocuted while connecting his iPhone 4 to a charger. The Beijing Wan Bao reports that a Chinese man named Wu Jiantong (30 years) has been admitted to a Beijing hospital after he received an electric shock while charging his iPhone 4. This is the second consecutive case within one month where in an Apple user has received an electric shock from their iPhone.
Jiantong received a shock while he connected his phone to a third party charger, and later was saved by his sister who was also present at the incident site. According to the report, his sister, Wu Jian, too felt the current while attempting to remove the charger from the power socket. Though saved, he went in coma and is currently in the ICU.
The doctor treating him has reportedly confirmed that it is due to an electric shock that Jiantong is in this condition.
However, the report also suggests that the charger used in the case was a third-party charger, instead of the original one supplied by Apple. Earlier, the phone used by the Chinese woman who died after receiving an electric shock while talking over her iPhone too is believed to be using an Apple iPhone look-alike charger, instead of the original one.