iBall has launched yet another smartphone in India as part of its Andi series. This time around it is the Andi 5h Quadro that costs Rs 11,999. The smartphone is relatively slim at 9.9mm and is rather feature packed for the price it costs.
It has a 1.2GHz quad-core processor which is presumably a MediaTek Cortex A7 chipset. It also has 1GB of RAM, and has a 5-inch screen that delivers a resolution of 960×540 pixels converting to 220 pixels per inch. The display uses IPS technology which should ensure good viewing angles. There is a 12-megapixel camera in the back and a 2-megapixel camera on the front.
It has a 1.2GHz quad-core processor which is presumably a MediaTek Cortex A7 chipset. It also has 1GB of RAM, and has a 5-inch screen that delivers a resolution of 960×540 pixels converting to 220 pixels per inch. The display uses IPS technology which should ensure good viewing angles. There is a 12-megapixel camera in the back and a 2-megapixel camera on the front.
The phone supports 3G networks and has dual-SIM capabilities. The device runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and supports the Google Play Store. It has 4GB of internal memory and has a microSD card slot supporting up to 32GB of storage. The device also packs in a 2,200 mAh battery, which is a rather large battery for a device of its class.