Lenovo is considered to be one the top PC vendors in India. Its Windows portfolio is top notch, but when one talks about its Android offerings then it comes up short. Today, the company launched a slew of tablets that run both on Android and Windows 8 in India. The products launched include the Android based A1000, A3000 and S6000 Android tablets and the Windows 8 based ThinkPad Tablet 2 and IdeaPad Lynx K3011.
The A1000 is a low cost tablet that costs Rs 8,999. While it runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, it has a dual-core processor clocked at 1.2GHz from MediaTek and has a 7-inch display with a resolution of 1024×600 pixels. Lenovo touts its pocket studio surround sound that incorporates Dolby technology. It has front facing speakers for better audio. Additionally, it packs 16GB of internal memory along with a microSD card slot that supports up to 32GB of storage.
The A3000 is also a 7-inch tablet, but it also supports voice calling and an option HSPA+ model can also be had. It runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and has a quad-core MediaTek CPU clocked at 1.2GHz. The 7-inch screen utilises IPS technology and has a resolution of 1024×600 pixels. There is no word on internal memory but it has a microSD card slot that supports up to 64GB of storage. It costs Rs 16,000.The A1000 is a low cost tablet that costs Rs 8,999. While it runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, it has a dual-core processor clocked at 1.2GHz from MediaTek and has a 7-inch display with a resolution of 1024×600 pixels. Lenovo touts its pocket studio surround sound that incorporates Dolby technology. It has front facing speakers for better audio. Additionally, it packs 16GB of internal memory along with a microSD card slot that supports up to 32GB of storage.
Lenovo also had a 10-inch offering in the S6000 tablet. This is more of high-end product that strives to take on the iPad. At Rs 27,000 though it does not offer exactly cutting edge specs. It is powered by a quad-core MediaTek CPU clocked at 1.2GHz and has a 10.1-inch screen with a resolution of 1280×800 pixels. The company claims that it can last for 8 hours on a single charge and a HSPA+ version is also available.
Perhaps the most interesting product of the lot is the Windows 8 powered ThinkPad Tablet 2. It has a stylus, a 10.1-inch screen with a resolution of 1368×768 pixels and is powered by a dual-core Intel Atom CPU clocked at 1.8GHz. It also combines 2GB of RAM, and 64GB of internal storage and has USB ports as well. It can be bought with a fantastic Bluetooth keyboard that has trademark ThinkPad like keys, but at Rs 50,000 it’s definitely expensive.
Lastly, Lenovo has also launched the IdeaPad Lynx. Like the ThinkPad Tablet 2 it runs on Windows 8 and is powered by a dual-core Intel Atom processor clocked at 1.8GHz and has 2GB of RAM. Internally, it also has 64GB of memory, but this product is a hybrid, which means that its tablet module can be detached from the keyboard dock. It has a larger 11.6-inch screen with a resolution of 1368×768 pixels. It costs Rs 51,990.